You can track the transfer of coins in real-time.
Please do not log into your account until the order is completed. Access through the WebApp/Console. After your order is completed, log in via PC/Console first, then you can log in through the WebApp.
How to Track Your Order Status:
2. Go to the “My Account” page.
3. You can monitor the order status in real-time on this page.
- 3.1 Transfer Amount: The amount of coins transferred will be displayed as a percentage.
- 3.2 Transfer Status: If there are issues with your account information, notifications like “wrongUserPass” will appear. In this case, please contact live support if they are online.
- 3.3 Completion of Transfer: Once the coin transfer is successfully completed, you will receive a notification of “100% Completed.” You can then log into your account.
- 3.4 Waiting Status: If the transfer status shows “Waiting,” it indicates that payment is pending. This is applicable for bank transfers.